community acupuncture
We're hiring in 2024: Currently seeking licensed acupuncturists!
We are currently seeking one or two acupuncturists to work in our Milford and Ashland clinics. Full time and part time positions available. Great starting job for new grads! Applicant must be licensed in the state of Massachusetts and hold their own malpractice/liability insurance. Interested parties should contact Abby at, or 508-381-0353.
Monday October 30 - Saturday November 4, 2023: Treatments cost just $20!
This special offer will only be available from Monday October 30 through Saturday November 4, 2023. Offer good for both new and returning patients - so if you know someone who has been wanting to try acupuncture, let them know about this great deal! There is no limit on the number of treatments per person - come once or come 5 times between Oct 30 - Nov 4, all treatments cost $20! Appointments required.
June 27- July 1, 2022: Treatments cost just $20!
To celebrate the start of summer, we will be offering treatments to everyone for only $20! This special offer will only be available from Monday June 27 through Friday July 1. Offer good for both new and returning patients - so if you know someone who has been wanting to try acupuncture, let them know about this great deal! There is no limit on the number of treatments per person - come once or come five times between June 27 - July 1, all treatments cost $20!
Also, please welcome Robin! Robin Turin, LicAc is learning about how our clinic operates, and starting June 27, will be seeing patients for follow-up visits on Mondays from 12:15-2:00pm. For the next few Mondays, our hours will be 9am-2pm: Abby will be seeing patients from 9am through 12:00pm as usual, then Robin will take over for the last two hours of the shift. The $20 promo will apply to Robin’s schedule too on Monday June 27. The schedule is now open for booking through the end of July.
July 2021: Refer a Friend, Get a Free Treatment! All New Patients Free First Treatment!
Returning patients: If you refer a friend for their first treatment during the month of July 2021, you BOTH get a free treatment! To be eligible for a free treatment, your friend must complete their first treatment as a new patient at MWCA sometime between July 1-31. You may redeem your free treatment after theirs is completed, but no later than Aug 7, 2021. Limit one per person. For the month of July 2021, all new patients get their first treatment for free.
Other changes for July 2021:
COVID update May 17, 2021
In light of Governor Baker's announcement today regarding the lifting of mask requirements in certain settings in Massachusetts, we wanted to take an opportunity to address any questions or concerns that our patients might have.
The State, as well as the CDC, both require that masks, for both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals, continue to be worn in health care settings. As we are health care providers, and have a group treatment room, we will continue to require masks at MWCA for all patients, regardless of vaccination status, beyond May 29, 2021. We do not yet have a date as to when this policy will change. We encourage all of our patients age 12 and over to get vaccinated against COVID19, for their own safety, as well as the safety of the larger community. For our patients who are vaccinated, we are happy to learn of your status, but we will not require any written documentation. In the interest of fairness, our rules and requirements will apply to all, regardless of vaccination status, to protect our most vulnerable patients. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your continued patronage and cooperation. We would not still be here without you. Thank you.
Clinic COVID Guidelines
We reopened on June 15, 2020!
Here are the main points for patients to know before booking their appointment.
Please read our "COVID 19 Safety Protocol" above for complete information.
In the last 72 hours (3 days):
1. Have you OR anyone in your household tested positive for COVID 19, or awaits testing results for COVID 19?
2. Have you, or has anyone in your household come into contact with anyone who has tested positive for COVID 19, or is awaiting results of a COVID 19 test?
3. Have you OR anyone in your household had any of the following symptoms:
* Fever (100.0 degrees fahrenheit or higher)
*New cough or shortness of breath
*Body aches
*Red itchy rash on feet/toes or skin sores
*Loss of taste or smell
*Sore throat
Have you traveled outside Massachusetts in the last 2 weeks? NOTE that vaccinated individuals are exempt from all travel restrictions.